Editorial Image Ad

Get exposure to Building Service Contractors nationwide. We run your image ad next to every article of Contracting Profits.

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Editorial Image Ad Sample

CleanLink Insider: Contracting Profits Edition

Our CleanLink Insider is designed to give advertisers the most exposure and user engagement possible while giving users the best information and experience across the devices they use every day. Ads have a format option that is in line with content to achieve better results. We've doubled your ad frequency by putting your ad on two eNewsletters.

Target Only BSCs

Reach the market segment you want to target and get your message on 32,000 emails.

  • Cost effective - Small investment with big ROI
  • High readership - recipients anticipate and look forward to the timely industry information
  • Great visibility - your ad appears in line with great content
  • Prominence - your ad is one of only two ads featured on each Newsletter

Email Circulation

16,000 Building Service Contractors

See Ad Specs Submission Guidelines

Contracting Profits Custom Email

Make it your own!

Send your message directly to BSC decision makers' inboxes. Sponsor a Custom Email and leverage your content to reach buyers interested in your products and business solutions.

Email Circulation:

16,000 Building Service Contractors

See Ad Specs Submission Guidelines

Contracting Profits Virtual Edition Sponsorship

The Virtual Edition of Contracting Profits is a fully interactive copy of the print magazine. Virtual Edition sponsorship consists of a full-page ad placed across from the front cover, an exclusive top-of-page banner visible on every page, as well as sponsor recognition in our newsletter four times.

  • Full-page ad placed adjacent to the front cover on desktop and tablet devices
  • Exclusive top-of-page banner, visible on every page on desktop and tablet devices
  • Four weekly promotions to over 16,000 newsletter recipients each


64,000 BSCs

Virtual Edition Sample